
The object of these programs is to provide support for projects that will further the research and development of effective vaccines and related technologies for cancer. It is recognized that research of various stages, from basic to applied, can contribute to a better understanding of vaccine development and use. Highly innovative proposals, both solicited and unsolicited, are welcome. Topics for grant applications may include, but are not limited to, innovations in cancer vaccines covering:

  • Vaccine adjuvants
  • Vaccine efficacy assessment
  • Target selection
  • Vaccine approaches
  • Animal models for testing vaccines
  • Clinical assessment of vaccines
  • Diagnostic techniques

Topics and approaches are limited only by the imagination of the scientist and their institution, but attention must focus on achieving a specific goal.

Eligible Applicants

Investigators at public and private, nonprofit or for-profit institutions, in the cancer and related scientific community or outside, and anywhere in the world, are invited to apply for funds. The grants will be awarded to the investigators’ institutions, once agreements to oversee the financial and ethical aspects of the research are defined. All work and activity must comply with the laws of the country in which the work will be done as well as the policy of HIRF. Specifically, the costs of administration or other indirect expenses can also be requested, if necessary, but will be limited to a maximum of twenty (20) % of the direct costs.

General Review Process and Criteria

In general, applications will be reviewed in a two-stage process:

First: An initial review for scientific merit will be carried out by scientist(s) representing one or more relevant scientific areas.

Second: A second review by advisors of the HIRF will consider the comments of initial reviewers, programmatic balance, and availability of funds in making a final decision.

All reviewers will agree to confidentially in advance of receipt of applications. The Scientific Merit review will focus on three criteria for assessing the proposals, as follows:

A) Scientific relevance B) Soundness of the scientific approach and methods C) Innovation

Application Forms and Instructions

A complete application must contain the following components:

Cover Sheet (1 page):

Page 1 of the application should be a cover sheet or face page giving a descriptive title of the project, the name and full contact information (phone, fax, email and mailing address) of the principle investigator who will assume responsibility for the scientific conduct of the research, the name and address of the institution that would administer the grant, the name and full contact information of an officer of the institution empowered to enter into grant contracts, and the names of all collaborating scientists and institutions.

Abstract (1/2-page):

In addition to the description of the research plan, an abstract of the research proposed, on a separate page and limited to one-half page of text.

Budget (up to 5 pages):

A budget and budget description should be included, itemizing the U.S. dollar amounts requested for salaries, supplies, equipment, travel and any other expenses required for the conduct of the research. It is expected that the funds will be defined by year. A narrative explanation of how requested budget items will contribute to the conduct of the research is required. In addition to the direct costs, institutions may request funds for the grant administration or other indirect expenses, if necessary, but these are limited by HIRF policy to twenty (20) % of the direct costs.

Research Plan (not limited):

The description of the research plan is not limited. No specific format is required for presenting the research plan, but applicants are urged to present the aims of the project clearly, and to provide the reviewers with sufficient information to assess the proposal with regard to these criteria for review.

PI, Key Scientist and Technical Personnel (up to 3 pages):

Brief biographical sketches for all key scientists and technicians involved in the research are requested. No specific format is required, but the biosketches are limited to three pages for each investigator.

Submission Procedure

Three paper copies (including copies of Appendix, if submitted) and one electronic copy of the full application are to be submitted. The paper copies of the application should be sent via “FedEx” or “UPS” to HIRF at the following address:

Hasumi International Research Foundation
Attn: Sally K. Sappenfield
Vice Chairperson & Executive Director
1101 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: 202-756-1397